ARRR Ambassadors at the CCBL Chatham Angler Home Games


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6:30 pm - 10:00 pm
July 7th, 2023
Veterans Field

Take Care Ambassadors

Cape Cod needs your help!

Did you know each Cape Cod Baseball League (CCBL) game has an average attendance of ~1,400? Recycling bins have not been located at the fields, however, we’re changing that. Even if you conservatively say 25% of the fans had two recyclable items that went into regular trash – that equates to a staggering ~300K recyclable items unnecessarily choking Cape Cod waste streams. Through our Reduce, Reuse and Recycle program we are looking to make a difference!

CARE for the Cape & Islands and our Take Care partners, are excited about a new pilot program. In collaboration with CCBL and the generous support from Massachusetts Beverage Association, we want to tackle litter and enhance recycling efforts during Chatham Anglers’ games at Veterans Field.

If successful, the program will be extended to additional CCBL ballparks next season.

Please review the available slots on the sign up link and please share with your friends! Thank you for helping keep Cape Cod clean!