The Take Care™ Cape Cod Toolkit

The Take Care™ campaign has been designed for you to use in your outreach materials. They may be used on your trashcans, in your parks, in your hotel lobbies, on your docks, in your restaurants, on your beaches, or on your trails. Really, anywhere you think you can reach people who might be making simple mistakes that are hurting our environment.

The messages were created to address the key impacts humans are having on our environment: litter, dog waste, and runoff affecting our water quality. Additional messages will be created in the future. Not all of these will be of use to you, so please pick and choose what you think will have the greatest impact with your users, customers and audience.

To help you adopt the campaign, we have created a digital toolkit for you to download. The toolkit includes the original design files for you to use where you see fit, as well as a style guide to help you understand what is okay and what is not so okay. We are making all of the digital files available for free for your unlimited use.

Of course, the campaign only works if we are able to maintain a consistent use of the materials. To download the files or to order physical signs, we ask that you sign off on a simple usage agreement to ensure the campaign remains true to its intent.

To request the Toolkit fill out the online form.